Present like Steve Jobs
November 19th, 2009There has been a good deal of publicity buzz about a new book called The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience by Carmine Gallo. I have only read a few excerpts and hope to read it some day as I am a big fan of Steve Jobs and the Mac. I don’t have to read the book to know Steve has a big advantage over most presenters. He has a great company creating exciting, game changing products like the Mac, iPod, itunes, and iPhone. It does help to have a great, exciting product to present like steve jobs. Everyday corp presentations usually don’t have this advantage to have such a great product to announce or such an exciting story to tell – but I’m sure the book is full of good tips – most important is Steve Jobs REHEARSES and Practices HARD.
It is probably the most overlooked element of a good presentation. PLAN and practice. In today’s time challenged world leaving enough time to practice your presentation is difficult to plan on. The best professional presenters I know practice so much, you’d never guess they rehearse at all because they seem so natural and conversational.
A video of the Carmine Gallo giving a few good tips from his new book can be found at